All-Star Nominations Now Open

We are now accepting All-Star nominations from teams in the U7 to U15 age groups for our annual end of year Challenge of Champions  which will take place on the April 26 and 27 weekend at Downsview Arena.

All-Star teams will face off against the Champions of their tier in one final “challenge of champions”. It is a lively and engaging event for all attendants with music, vendors, action shot photography and, of course, exciting hockey all weekend long.

Ballots can be found on our Coaches Portal under the All-Star Nominations tab here:

Ballots are to be submitted by Monday, March 17th.

Rules to follow for nominations:

  • Coaches must select 5 PLAYERS from their team. Please nominate all 5 players and not less. Players will be selected and replaced based on the order submitted.
  • Coaches must nominate 3 GOALIES from other teams in their tier. If they do not know the goalie’s name, please enter the Team and we will figure it out. Goalie nominations from their own team will not be considered.

Teams should also be aware that the Finalist’s bench staff will be the coaches of the All-Star team.

Please DO NOT tell players of their nominations until the team’s are officially selected.