20 Mar U16 Knights Participate in the 2025 St. Patrick’s Day Run
On Sunday March 16th, 2025, the U16 North York Knights participated in the 2025 Toronto St Patrick’s Day Run in support of
Achilles Canada, hosted by their team trainers Brian and Trish McLean at the scenic Evergreen Brick Works!
Along with the more than 1100 runners that ran in the 1K Kids Run and both the 5K & 10K Runs; Knights players, coaches and parents braved the elements and did a wonderful job running and volunteering to support this worthy cause!
The Toronto St. Patrick’s Day Run benefits Achilles Canada —a non-profit organization that provides people with various disabilities
an opportunity to receive the physical, psychological, and communal benefits of running. The club offers training and support by
able-bodied members to its Achilles athletes of all ability levels.
Established in 2000, the Toronto St. Patrick’s Day Run is steeped in tradition. As the annual Spring kick-off to the running season, this
event commemorates St. Patrick’s Day while celebrating and welcoming runners and walkers of all ages and abilities to participate.