Welcome to the Coaches Portal!

Welcome to your one stop shop for everything you’ll need to manage your NYHL team.
Use the tabs on the left to submit important forms or check out the resources tab to learn more about NYHL rules.
Please note that if you reload the page, you’ll find yourself back at this first tab.

All-Star Nominations

"*" indicates required fields

Your Name*
We will send email confirmation of successful form completion to this address
Position Player Nominations*
Please enter 5 players from your team. Players will be selected in the order they are submitted.
Player Name
Goalie Nominations*
Please nominate 3 goalies from your tier who are not on your team. Goalies will be selected by committee.
Goalie Name
Goalie Team
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Tournament Permit and Exhibition Permit Requests

This is for Club Contacts only unless given specific permission. You’ll be redirected to Agilex for login. 

Fall Tiering Form

"*" indicates required fields

Last Year's Winter Season Record (if applicable)
Goals For
Goals Against
Last Season's Tournament Record (if applicable)
Goals For
Goals Against
Has your team significantly changed from last season?*
Player Movement
# of Rostered Players
# of Returning Players
# of New Players
# of Goaltenders

Submitted by

Team Official Name*
We will send email confirmation of successful form completion to this address
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Winter Tiering Form

"*" indicates required fields

Your Name*
We will send email confirmation of successful form completion to this address
Teams must complete all fields and submit to the NYHL Office by November 22nd.
Fall Season Record*
Goals For
Goals Against
Exhibition Game Record (if applicable)
Goals For
Goals Against
Tournament Record (if applicable)
Goals For
Goals Against
Do you feel all the teams you have played so far are in your competitive range?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Club Membership

"*" indicates required fields

Your Name*
We will send email confirmation of successful form completion to this address

Please fill in the contact information for all the position applicable to your club.


President Name


Registrar Name


Treasurer Name

Club Liaison for Select

Liaison Name

Back Up to Club Liaison

Back Up Liaison Name

House League Contact

HL Contact Name
NOTE: The NYHL office strongly suggests that the select liaison be the only signer for tournament application forms, thus being aware of which teams are traveling where and when and keeping each team under the 3 event limit.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Concussion Protocol

Please see below and follow the appropriate steps

Concussion Information – GTHL

GTHL Concussion Policy – GTHL

The Remove from Sport Summary Page is a great tool for parents and coaches.

The Suspected Concussion Report Form is a document that is REQUIRED to be completed by a trainer/ coach if a player is suspected to have sustained a concussion. This document must be submitted to both the NYHL office: coo@nyhl.on.ca and the GTHL office: mfata@gthlcanada.com as soon as possible.

The Medical Assessment Form along with a copy of the completed Suspected Concussion Form is to be provided to the family as they go to seek medical attention.

If the player is confirmed by a medical professional that they are not concussed, the Medical Assessment Letter will be forwarded to the attention of both the NYHL office: coo@nyhl.on.ca and the GTHL office: mfata@gthlcanada.com and the player can return to sport. Please note the policy, with the advice of the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation Guideline and the Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport, indicates that we require medical clearance from the following: family physician, pediatrician, emergency room physician, sports-medicine physician, neurologist or nurse practitioner.

If a player is diagnosed with a concussion, the Return to Sport Protocol will be initiated. Once the player completes the stages and has medical clearance (again from an approved medical professional), this form will be forwarded to both the NYHL coo@nyhl.on.ca and GTHL mfata@gthlcanada.com. If the coach/trainer is comfortable returning the player, they may do so. Coaches and trainers do not need permission from the League offices once a completed protocol is submitted. If there are any issues with any of the documents or if the medical clearance was not signed by the correct medical professional, the league will be sure to reach out to have this corrected.